Random Map Generator - Windows User Interface

This is a Windows user interface to manage the settings in the Random Map Generator (by Jarkko Ryyppö).

The random map generator is available at:

The Windows user interface application is available here:
Version 1.04, [Download Link]

For version 2 of the mapgen, download these replacement files and put them in the mapgen folder to support the UI. Overwrite the old files. [Download Link]

And here's an English version of the OCAD template (in 1:10000 scale). Use it together with Jarkko's CRT to convert to the map symbols. New version supporting unmapped stones and cliffs! [Download Link]

Put all files (from both packages) in the same folder and then run MapGenWin.exe.

Discussions, feature request, etc can be made on the Catching Features forum.