JW (Freeware) Plug-ins for Finale
Download page

By downloading or using a file available here, you agree to the Terms of Use at the bottom of this page.

If you want more freeware plug-ins for Finale for Windows, make sure you check out Forza! Lite.

Please note! Some of these plug-ins require PDK Tools (which is a separate plug-in) to work. Download PDK Tools from this page.

(Click on the plug-in name links for on-line documentation.) Finale 97/98 for Windows
Finale 2000-2005 for Windows
Finale 97/98 for Mac
Finale 2000-2003 for Mac
Finale 2004-2005 for Mac
JW Booklet (v 1.03)
(July 31, 2002)
[Download] [Download]
JW Score System Divider (v 1.07)
Requires PDK Tools 2.10 or later.
(July 31, 2002)
[Download] [Download]

[Download] (ported by Tobias Giesen)
[PDK Tools]

JW Search/Replace (v 1.11a)
(Mac: Only text S/R
WinFin2k: 1.11a.r2)
[Download] [Download]
JW Space System (v 1.08)
Requires PDK Tools 2.10 or later.
(July 31, 2002)
[Download] [Download]

[Download] (ported by Robert Patterson)
[PDK Tools]

JW Spacing & Playback (v 1.01)
(Sep 26, 2002)
(runs on Finale 2002 and later only)

JW Playback (v. 1.01)
Requires PDK Tools 2.04 or later.

JW Push Staves (v 1.02a) [Download]
[Download] [Download]  
JW Tempo (v 1.02) [Download]
[Download] [Download]  
JW Time Sig (v. 1.00d)
(Windows: 1.01 - Jun 28, 2002)
[Download] [Download]  

The source code to some of these plug-ins are also released as "open source" on this page.

If you have any problems, suggestions or requests, please feel free to drop an e-mail to:

Installation instructions

  1. Exit Finale.
  2. Unpack the file.
  3. Put the plug-in file in Finale's plug-in directory (\Finale xxxx\Plug-ins or something similar). In Finale 2000 and later, you can create a new sub-folder in the plug-in folder and place all JW plug-ins there, for better organization.
  4. Start Finale.

Terms of Use