==== Measure Groups - Set Time Signature ==== With this task, the user can create multiple time signature changes in one go using a text pattern. If the key signature has no denominator, the user-defined default denominator will be used. The syntax for this task is: * Use the / syntax, such ''2/4'', ''3/8'', ''4/4'', etc * ''c'' is the same as common time or 4/4 * ''C'' is the same as cut time or 2/2 * Group a multiple time changes using parentheses. Parentheses can be nested. * Multiply a time signature or a group of multiple time changes by using * after the time sig/closing parenthesis * Separate different time signatures with spaces or commas * Enter ''+'' beween numbers in composite time signatures This sheet gives some examples: {{ :wiki:jwmeterrhythm:jwmeter_rhythm-settimesigs.png?nolink |}}