=== FAQ for Developers === ---- **Q:** What do I need to develop scripts in JW Lua? **A:** All you need is available at the ''Developer'' tab, where you can write and run scripts. ---- **Q:** How do I share a script with other Finale users? **A:** Scripts can be uploaded to the ''Repository'' using a separate plug-in (**not yet available**). ---- **Q:** In the documentation of the JW Lua classes, there are some types that I'm not familiar with. What do these mean? **A:** Most types that aren't objects in the documentation are integer types. Some of the most common ones are listed here: | ''TimeEdu16'', ''TimeEdu32'' | Integer types for Finale's Enigma Time Units (EDUs). One quarter note is 1024 EDUs. Constants for common EDU durations are listed in the ''FCNoteEntry'' class. (16 and 32 specifies the bit width of the storage.) | | ''Int100'' | Integer type used for percent values. | | ''Evpu'', ''Evpu16'', ''Evpu32'' | Integer types for Finale's Enigma Virtual Page Units (EVPUs). 1 EVPU = 1/288 of an inch. (16 and 32 specifies the bit width of the storage.) | | ''Efix16'', ''Efix32'' | Integer types for higher-precision measurements. 1 EFIX = 1/64 of an EVPU = 1/18432 of an inch. (16 and 32 specifies the bit width of the storage.) | ----