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#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; submenuname: The name of the Plug-ins submenu (where the plug-in is located) within quotes. Use “” for the root Plug-in menu. ; pluginname: The name of the plug-in name and window title (supply it within quotes) ; containerindex: The 1-based container from the top. Top container is 1, second container is 2, etc. ; taskindex: The 1-based task from the top of the container. First task is 1, second task is 2, etc. openJWpluginwindow(submenuname, pluginname, containerindex, taskindex) { ; open plugin window (from submenu or root Plug-in menu)

 if (submenuname = "")
    WinMenuSelectItem, Finale 201, , Plug-ins, %pluginname%    ; Root Plug-ins menu
    WinMenuSelectItem, Finale 201, , Plug-ins, %submenuname%, %pluginname%   ; Submenu in Plug-ins menu

; Wait for max 1 second for the plug-in window to open

 WinWaitActive %pluginname%, ,1
 if ErrorLevel
    return 0  ; fail

; Set focus to the tree view

 WinActivate %pluginname%
 ControlFocus SysTreeView321, %pluginname%
 if (ErrorLevel)
     return 0

; Collapse all containers

 Send {Home}
 Loop 20
    Send {NumpadSub}{Down}

; Move up to first container

 Send {Home}

; Move down to the correct container

 containerloop := containerindex - 1
 Loop %containerloop%
    Send {Down}    
 Send {NumpadAdd}

; Expand the container

 Send {NumpadAdd}

; Select the task in the container

 Loop %taskindex%
    Send {Down}
 return 1  ; Success


setJWpluginpanelvalue(pluginname, panelitemnumber, value) {

 ControlFocus SysTreeView321, %pluginname%
 if (ErrorLevel)
     return 0

; Tab to the panel item

 Loop %panelitemnumber%
    Send {Tab}

; Allow the new control to get focus, which take some time…

 Sleep 20
 ControlGetFocus controlvar, %pluginname%
 IfInString controlvar, Button
    ; *** Checkbox ***
    if (value = 0)
       Control Uncheck, ,%controlvar%
       Control Check, ,%controlvar%    
 IfInString controlvar, ComboBox
    ; *** Pull-down list - 1-based list index ***
    Control Choose, %value%, %controlvar%
 IfInString controlvar, Edit
    ; *** Edit - set the text **
    ControlSetText %controlvar%, %value%
    sleep 20  ; a little sleep here as well, since multiple edit boxes seem to need it

; MsgBox %controlvar%

 return 1


applyandcloseJWpluginwindow(pluginname) {

 WinActivate %pluginname%
 if (ErrorLevel)
     return 0
 ControlFocus SysTreeView321, %pluginname%
 if (ErrorLevel)
     return 0
 Send {Enter}
 sleep 50
 WinClose %pluginname%


#IfWinActive, ahk_class Finale

if (openJWpluginwindow(“”, “JW Meter and Rhythm”, 5, 1) = 1) {

 setJWpluginpanelvalue("JW Meter and Rhythm", 1, 1)
 applyandcloseJWpluginwindow("JW Meter and Rhythm")

} return

autohotkey.1364664515.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/30 17:28 by jariw